
Friday, February 27, 2015

artikel manajemen strategi



S1 DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENTFACULTY OF ECONOMICSSTIE NUGresik2012In the Strategic Management ConceptsBasic Concepts & Stages of Strategic Management ProcessManagement Strategy is an attempt to develop the power company (company's strengths) to exploit business opportunities (business opportunities) in order to achieve the objectives of the company (company's goals) in accordance with the mission (mission) that has been determined.In connection with the Wheelen and Hunger (1995: 7) defines the management strategy (strategic management) "is the set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporation", it means that the management strategy is a set of managerial decisions and actions which determines the long-term performance of a company.To understand this concept, the following described main components and stages of management strategies, namely:1. Analysis of the business environment to detect opportunities (opportunities) and threats (threats).2. Analysis company profile to identify strengths (strengths) and weaknesses (weaknesses).3. Formulation of strategies including developing the vision and mission, identify opportunities and external threats, determine strengths and weaknesses, setting long-term goals, formulate alternative strategies, and choose specific strategies to be implemented.At this stage, more emphasis is given to the key activities include:1. Setting up an alternative strategy,2. Selection of strategy,3. Establish strategies used.
Implementation of the strategy requires companies to:1. Establish annual goals,2. Establish policies,3. Motivating employees,4. Allocate resources so that a strategy that has been formulated may run, develop a culture that supports the strategy,5. Creating an effective organizational structure,6. Prepare the budget,7. Develop and empower information systems,8. Linking employee performance with organizational performance.Evaluation and monitoring actual performance of a company. Evaluation of the strategy is the final stage in the management strategy. There are three basic activities of evaluation strategies, namely:1. Review the internal and external factors at this time,2. Measure the performance,3. Take corrective action.Based on strategic management model version Wheelen and Hunger (1995: 7), in fact since the beginning of the strategic management process, they divided into four basic elements, namely:1. Analysis of the environment (environmental scanning),2. Formulation of strategy (strategy formulation),3. Implementation of the strategy (strategy implementation),4. Evaluation and control (evaluation and control).If it is associated with the functions of management, the management component of the strategy actually follow cycle management functions, which begins with the planning, organizing, directing up to scrutiny. Thus, based on the description of the components of management strategies above, the notion of management strategy can be summed up as a unified decision and action to produce a formulation and implementation plan designed and controlled to achieve the goals or objectives of a company.
Three Strategies In The Business ObjectivesAfter the Performance Management Framework we decided to adopt a Balanced Score Card (BSC) in Sangkuriang, tooling of the BSC framework we have implemented is Strategy Map (Corporate Strategy Map). The strategy map is a tool (tool) organization should be applied in implementing the BSC. And all these other tools should refer to the map of this strategy.Overview of the Strategy Map I sadur from Wikipedia (May 29, 2012):Where are the Strategy Map Strategic Plan (Corporate Strategic Planning)? Here's depiction of me:
Corporate Strategic PlanLittle about the company's strategic plan (I'll try to create a separate article for this), the strategic plan begins from the heart of the company: Vision-Mission of the company which is the dream of the founders (or shareholders). Vision is a depiction of the company's future want what / achieve anything. The mission is the fundamental purpose why companies exist. The mission of Vision lowered to Corporate Strategy: how do we achieve the vision and mission. Well this handy Strategy Map, a tool for documenting the Corporate Strategy.Of the strategy will be lowered into 3 main components companies:1. Attributes Company2. Goods Company3. Life Company.BSC Framework are discussed in this article are some of the framework to form the body of the company. While the soul of the company are also important, but we have not found a suitable framework for the formation of the soul of this company.Back to Map Strategy (BSC), in the strategy map, there are four perspectives that must be considered and should not be reversed order:1) Financial Perspective,2) The customer perspective,3) internal business process perspective,4) learning and growth perspective.The policy-making process must be top-down, meaning of financial objectives was another interesting perspective. While reciprocal process is bottom-up, means of learning and growth that gives reciprocal upward. In any written objektf-objective perspective companies to support this perspective. Of each objective should be linked with one another in an objective perspective or perspective it itself. An example is shown below:
Generic Strategy Map (adapted from Wikipedia)Having illustrated with both corporate strategy map, the map that can be used as a top-management organizational structure as well as a duty. And can be seen from the map management coordination track to achieve the vision and mission of the company. Another function is to determine causation an action, if there is something (either a bad thing or a good thing) can be easily searched the cause of.After implementing the Strategy Map in Sangkuriang, the next step we do is try to adopt other tools are still in the BSC framework, namely Score Card or scorecards. Scorecards will I lift in the next article

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